Why didn't I go to Boston, this from the email I snet to almost everyone:
"Details of why and how might be beyond this email, but I would gladly talk about it if you are interested. But to say in short, money was one of the factors but not all. Basically, I revisited the reasons behind my original decision, my love for Dalcroze, movement, music, idea of moving to a new city, newness and change, musical development, career and reasons of other sorts. I weighed the pros and the cons, I considered the importance and the unimportance of making the decision, I considered my present situation professionally, artistically, creatively, etc. And finally, I decided that it made more sense to stay and build upon the opportunities here. This was not easy, but now that some time has passed (I notified the school over a month ago) I still feel good about my decision. A good sign I hope.
I have been planning for my Fall and Winter, making my own university so to speak, studying with people I'd love to work with, and working on what I think needs work: private lessons, workshops, classes and projects in music, dance and more. I'll be taking on intriguing creative projects as they come my way (so I'm here! I'm interested, you seeking collaborators!), and initiating creative projects myself. I must say I'm very excited about the year ahead. Really! "
1- Do I remember why I stayed in Toronto? Do I remeber my grand aims?
2- Well how is it going? Any forward steps in this direction? Any regrets?
3- What now? What for the new year?
This started years ago as a personal journal of my practice of music, movement, teaching and learning in general. After some years of inactivity, I decided to pick it up again. Here you will find thoughts, questions, curiosities, dilemmas, fears, hopes, and reflections. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Persian, on occasion resembling poetry, and also hopefully some music too. Note: This blog is a personal one, not associated with the organization I help run.
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