It seems very unusual to me. The weather is cold outside, -20, or -10, or something around there. We are spending lots of energy to warm up our homes. That's natural, of course. We need the comfort and warmth. In our homes about +20 and warmer, we still spend a good deal of energy creating cold weather. We should have some way of using the cold outside, just have an area which is not warmed up, why spend energy warming it and then cooling it?
2- Violin
I'm feeling good about playing, about performing more and about the sound of the instrument. It is all coming together, and that's proof enough to believe that all things are connected: the improvised sounds (my solo CD in progress, playing for contact jams and for the Suzanne and Diana.), the classical technical stuff (engineering and craft of the violin playing), and fiddling (bow).
A few comments I got in my violin lesson today:
- In general: tendency to rush on up-bows (listening and gravity, ears meeting gravity)
- Energy of engagement in the music: There seems to be a demand for a bit of separation, so to hear and to observe in relative objectivity, and at the same time engagement and being a player in the game.
- In particular circumstances, the holding of the energy and forward motion in long notes: he suggested "progressive" use of bow length, and to always remember the anacrusic energy of the last beat.
3- Teaching:
I've thought about quitting teaching for a while, but then I changed my mind. I was speaking to Terri last night. We've been doing more 'eastern' things, some traditional, some of my own stuff, and at the same time attempting to (and directing them to) the study of some mechanical issues: 3rd position, shifting, left and right hands synchronized motion, etc. So now I've practically run out of stuff to teach her. I'd like to focus on some fiddling bow patterns for bowing and playing energy, but after that, I'm unsure.
After Terri, Ben came and we recorded a medley that he himself put together as well as a few other things. He sounded very good and he was so excited. recoding is a great inspiration, and we should continue with that. That made me want to teach more.
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