have I talked about this before here?
In my teens I used to have secret dreams of being, and becoming great, extraordinary, and a genius, a freak of nature. Not when I was 5 or 6 or 8. But since music became important so did the wanting to be great... I was always good, I was a good kid.
A few years back, in university, I realized that I'd been dreaming this way. I think I was in 2nd year, and I saw that I wasn't the best and that some other kids had naturally (and had gained through earlier training and more interest even) what I had to work hard to learn. I had friends who were much more 'talented', and those who were 'less'. I realized that I was in my twenties and had not written my symphonies and my masterpieces where incomplete. I had to ask myself the hard question: 'why are you doing what you are doing?'.
Last Thursday after a lovely conversation with a lovely friend, I remembered my dream. I know in a way that these were imaginations, and that I was touched and mesmerized by something I knew very little about, and that I wanted to be different and important. It saddens you a bit, but you realize that much of what you are the circumstances, your history. I personally know a couple of people who if were in certain circumstances, would have been great musicians. So I need to accept where I am, without blaming things. After the conversation, know I can be a link, a catalyst, a mediator for greatness to appear. And that this is very very valuable indeed.
Also I have a greater goal: to live life with my whole being, as fully as possible, to see as much that I can see, and hear as much as I can hear and to feel the emotions that I feel and really taste the food that I eat, and if this is not realized/recognized in greatness, it can be a link, a catalyst and maybe I can witness life.
I've come to realize music is less about creating anything and more about listening, hearing, receiving sounds.
This started years ago as a personal journal of my practice of music, movement, teaching and learning in general. After some years of inactivity, I decided to pick it up again. Here you will find thoughts, questions, curiosities, dilemmas, fears, hopes, and reflections. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Persian, on occasion resembling poetry, and also hopefully some music too. Note: This blog is a personal one, not associated with the organization I help run.
امروز آخرین روز سال 85 هست. هوا بی نهایت عالی و زیباست. مدتها بود که به وبلاگت سر نزده بودم. خیلی خوب شده. تبریک می گم بهت.
مامان می خواست برای خاله چندتا عکی بفرسته. خاله ایمیل جداگونه ای دارند یا باید برای تو بفرستم؟
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