Saturday, July 26, 2008

Again I'm faced with this date, so many times asked and written on so many applications and forms, by date of birth, and so not too long ago it happened again, I'm faced with it and all that it brings. I admit that celebrating it has not ever been a norm for me, not in our family, and despite the slight feeling of isolation, it is a matter of pride: "it's a day like any other. I'm not fooled by it thinking that my wishes are going to come true or anything of that sort. Gifts for what? Everyone was born, nothing special, " and more...

I still did not celebrate this year, that is to throw a party, but had beer with a friend. Now I am used to thinking that these days are reminders for events in the past, and I've said this before.  New Year is to note that years do go by, and a birthday is to remember that I was actually born, and that I was born out of my mother's womb. It is a reminder that I'm alive and living, and that I will die. That I have not existed for ever and ever, as it seems... that there were times and people who remember that I did not exist as such.

So here I am a human, a mortal, not a god with the "Lam yaled wa lam yulad". I was born as all other mankind. Despite any trace of memory in my mind, it is absolutely certain. 

Today I remember this. I'm here and here I am. 

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