Wednesday, October 18, 2006

music for dance

Long day,

I had wanted to take a walk before teaching, but I was tricked into setting up for Terri's recording, which didn't go badly...

Playing for the dance jam was very good. I was surprised and continue to be at the possibilities. I was playing longer, and going with the music, a sort of continuos transformation.
I even played the piano. A few strands of "Cycle of 4ths" which slowly developed into a thickening isorhythmic ostinato. At some point (near the peak) I was overwhelmed by the sound and if I could handle the rest of the progression. I eventually came to a quick decrescendo, against what I had thought originally, to leave it hanging at the top. I would love to learn some Phillip Glass also.

To be able to push and pull, and affect the dancers differently, inwardly or outwardly,
To inspire and change the character of the attention, and to suddenly put forth a chunk of "silence" and the hearing of what is now heard, as music, and letting the music carry throught the bodies. Seeing the the music without hearing it, plastique anime of improvised, non-existant music.

At some point I went into some Chinese pentatonic sliding. The whole group was to one side and they spread as I played. I could have done a more sensitive job, but i was much too much excited by the Chinese sounds I had discovered.

This is what I really love to do.

Tomorrow is my violin lesson. I have done some conceptual work, but not enough... I should wake up early tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

خیلی خوشحالم که شروع کردی.کاش ادامه دار بشه
راستی،اجازه دارم این جا فارسی بنویسم؟

کوشا،من هم مدتی یه به حرکت های بدن فکر می کنم

Kousha said...

Do as you like. How do you make it write in the Farsi font anyway...

Anonymous said...

اما شاید فارسی ساز نصب شده روی کامپیوترم،نمی دونم!

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