Friday, January 19, 2007

First Fiddle Lesson


finally! I can tell I'm going to enjoy Anne's lessons. She reminds me of myself in the sort of diversity that she's interested in and I like her warmth and folky energy, and the earthy exuberance of her home.

But after talking about the teacher, let us say at least a word or two about the experience itself. This is already a quite different approach to the instrument, mainly that of the bow. Bow is not breath here as it is in Singing music it's a mallet! it's the percussion and rhythm. "Shuffle" pattern which is quite simple in fact requires a physicality in the body especially when stumping the feet (heels and not the toes) and accenting the upbeat (off-beat/ syncopation) with the bow. Now the music can be in the body!

It is also quite fun to pick-up tunes and learn by rote. I realize this is really one of the only times I'm learning by ear. Quite fun!!! Thanks Casey for the suggestion.

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