Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Why Would Anyone Want to Listen to Me?

Why would anyone want to listen to me?

“I doubt I have anything worthwhile to contribute.” I wrote in reply to an invitation to be part of a presentation of music, arts and ideas.

And it began a bit of a questioning in me eventually. Do I really have anything worth someone’s time to come and listen?

I saw an acquaintance a few days ago who enquired about upcoming concerts. I said that there wasn’t much. But I must say I was surprised. He’s a frequent concert goer and a critic of sorts. He knows good from the bad, and is not easily fooled… Why, I wanted to ask, would you want to come hear me anyway when there is so much better stuff out there?

Today, I wonder: do I have anything to offer? Do I have anything worthwhile? 
The people who tell me about how they were touched by what I played, are they all fooling me, like I sometimes say nice things to people to be liked in return? Or is it the depressing poverty of their ears and minds which hasn’t heard much worthwhile?

I can see I don't have anything of my own to offer. So, have I discovered something worth sharing? why expressing oneself, as art sometimes supposedly does, appeals to listeners/receivers? I get that it’s good for the artist possibly but what use is it to the listener?

I'm thinking of the art of arrangement now, like arrangement of a piece of music for a different ensemble. Arranging is like being a curator, inviting artists you like and finding them a place to present, sometimes giving an introduction to their work, sometimes leaving them alone to shine, all in a way that helps engage listeners… 

Maybe that’s all there is to art, find things you like and show them, share them…  Share is a key word, isn’t it. Also that maybe I don't really have anything of my own... Perhaps it is just like being a good host. You don’t go to a party to see your host only, you go to see everyone who will be there. It’s interesting to see that though through my school I have hosted many events and several people, last time I personally hosted a get together was around 4 years ago....

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